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May 2019: CARES Lab members attend the American College of Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL, where Dr. Thraen-Borowski presented data on the recent "ExOncTC" Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference (you can read the Abstract here), and served as the Chair and a discussant for the Advances in Exercise Oncology: A Public Event program.

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April 2019: Illinois State University inducts Dr. Thraen-Borowski into the Illinois State University College of Applied Science and Technology Academy of Achievement. Per the ISU website :"Induction is an honor bestowed on graduates of the College of Applied Science and Technology considered to be leaders in their fields who, through their life work, serve as an inspiration to others to pursue similar career paths."

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February 2019: Dr. Thraen-Borowski gives a guest lecture, “Exercise Oncology: The Updated State of the Science”, at St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA.


February 2019: Dr. Thraen-Borowski and the work of the CARES Lab is featured on the front page of the Galena Gazette. Read more about their work here and here.


October 2018: The First International Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference (#ExOncTC) (Founded by Dr. Thraen-Borowski and organized/curated by Dr. Thraen-Borowski, Dr. Ciaran Fairman, and Ms. Sarah Weller) is launched, featuring 19 straight hours of Exercise Oncology research from 68 of the top researchers from across the globe. Read more about the largest Exercise Oncology conference and one of the world's biggest #SciComm events here and here.

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October 2018: Dr. Thraen-Borowski gives a guest lecture, “The Role of Exercise in Cancer at Mercy Hospital in Dubuque, IA.

September 2018: Dr. Thraen-Borowski is named the Co-Chair of the national Cancer Interest Group for the American College of Sports Medicine.


September 2018: Dr. Thraen-Borowski gives a guest lecture, “Taking Steps to Improve Cancer Survivorship: Exercise Oncology in Iowa” at the Iowa Cancer Summit in Ankeny, IA.

June 2018: CARES Lab members attend the American College of Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, where Dr. Thraen-Borowski presents data from our recent sedentary behavior study and gives a talk to the Cancer Interest Group entitled: "Introducing the Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference".

April 2018: Dr. Thraen-Borowski gives a guest lecture, “Exercise Oncology in Iowa” at the Iowa Cancer Consortium's Annual Spring Meeting in Dubuque, IA.

May 2018: Dr. Thraen-Borowski and CARES Lab student researchers Alex Hofstetter, Elizabeth Mills, Rachel Valente, and Mackenzie Anderson present work at the annual Loras Legacy Symposium in Dubuque, IA.

April 2018: The CARES Lab is once again featured in the Loras College Magazine. Read the story here.

March 2018: The CARES Lab begins enrolling participants in our latest study, which evaluates physical activity interventions in cancer survivors at the community level. For more information, contact us here.

February 2018: Dr. Thraen-Borowski gives a guest lecture, “Exercise Oncology: The State of the Science”, at St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA.

November 2017: Dr. Thraen-Borowski presents his work as part of the "Sedentary Behavior: What it is, why it matters, and what we can do about it" symposium at the MWACSM annual meeting in Grand Rapids, MI.
October 2017: The CARES Lab is featured in the Loras College Magazine. Read the story here
August 2017: Our paper on objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior among cancer survivors is published in PLOS One.  
June 2017: Our paper on non-worksite interventions to reduce sedentary behavior is published in the Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.
June 2017: Dr. Thraen-Borowski co-chairs the Exercise Oncology Session: Moving Beyond Cancer session at the American College of Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in Denver, CO.
May 2017: Dr. Thraen-Borowski presents his work at the annual Loras Legacy Symposium in Dubuque, IA.
April 2017: Our paper on wrist-worn commercial fitness trackers published in the Annals of Internal Medicine is featured on many national news outlets, including CNN, Reuters, Good Morning America, and the L.A. Times.
April 2017: Our paper on the accuracy of heart rate monitoring in wrist-worn commercial fitness trackers is published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.  
March 2017: We launched enrollment on our latest study (SED_HAP). In this study, we are evaluating different feedback mechanisms and their effectiveness at limiting sedentary behavior.
December 2016: Our work is shown on CBS Sunday Morning!
October 2016: Rachel Valente, Biology major, joins the lab.  Read more about Rachel here.
October 2016: Alex Hoffstetter, Kinesiology major, joins the lab.  Read more about Alex here.
October 2016: Mackenzie Anderson, Kinesiology major, joins the lab.  Read more about Mackenzie here.
October 2016: Elizabeth Mills, Neuroscience major, joins the lab.  Read more about Elizabeth here.
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© 2017 by Keith Thraen-Borowski

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