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Peer-reviewed Articles

Thraen-Borowski, KM, Gennuso KP, Cadmus-Bertram L. Accelerometer-derived physical activity and sedentary time by cancer type in the United States. PLoS ONE, 2017; 12(8).


Thraen-Borowski, KM, Ellingson, LD, Meyer, JD, Cadmus-Bertram, L. Non-worksite interventions to reduce sedentary behavior: A systematic review. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2017; 12 (2), 1-11.


Cadmus-Bertram L, Gangnon R, Wirkus EJ, Thraen-Borowski KM, Gorzelitz-Liebhauser J. The Accuracy of Heart Rate Monitoring by Some Wrist-Worn Activity Trackers. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:610-612. 


Gennuso, KP, Thraen-Borowski, KM, Gangnon, RE, Colbert, LH. Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Physical Function in Older Adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016; 28 (5), 943-950


Gennuso, KP, Gangnon, RE, Thraen-Borowski, KM, Colbert, LH. Dose-response Relationships between Sedentary Behavior and Metabolic Syndrome and its Components. Diabetologia, 2015; 58 (3), 485-492.


Gennuso, KP, Thraen-Borowski, KM, Schlam, TR, LaRowe, TL, Fiore, MC, Baker, TB, & Colbert, LH. Smokers’ Physical Activity and Weight Gain One Year after a Successful Versus Unsuccessful Quit Attempt. Preventive Medicine, 2014 67, 189-192.


Thraen-Borowski, KM, A Trentham-Dietz, D Farrar Edwards, KF Koltyn, LH Colbert.  Dose-response relationships between physical activity, social participation, and health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 2013;7, 369-378.


Gennuso, KP, Gangnon, RE, Matthews, CE, Thraen-Borowski, KM, Colbert, LH. Sedentary behavior, physical activity, and markers of health in older adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2013, 45 (8), 1493-500.



Published Abstracts/Presentations:

Thraen-Borowski, KM. Chair/Discussant; Advances in Exercise Oncology: A Public Event. ACSM annual meeting, Orlando, FL, 2019.


Thraen-Borowski, KM, Weller, S, Fairman, C. Communicating Exercise Oncology Research in the Digital Age: Presenting the Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference. ACSM annual meeting, Orlando, FL, 2019


Thraen-Borowski, KM. The Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference: Disseminating Research in the Age of Social Media. Loras Legacy Symposium, Dubuque, IA, 2019.

Thraen-Borowski, KM. How Clinical Exercise Programming Can Improve Cancer Survivorship, Dept. of Kinesiology Graduate Seminar, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA, February 2019.


Thraen-Borowski, KM. Exercise and Cancer: Introducing the Loras CARES Lab, Mercy Medical Center, Dubuque, IA, October 2018.

Thraen-Borowski, KM. Taking Steps to Improve Cancer Survivorship: The Role of Exercise Oncology in Iowa. The Iowa Cancer Summit, Ankeny, IA, September 2018.

Thraen-Borowski, KM. Introducing the Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference. ACSM Cancer Interest Group Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.


Thraen-Borowski, KM. Don’t Take Cancer Sitting Down: The State of Sedentary Behavior and Cancer Research. Loras Legacy Symposium, Dubuque, IA, 2018.


Thraen-Borowski, KM. Exercise Oncology in Iowa. Annual Spring Meeting, Iowa Cancer Consortium, Dubuque, IA, April 2018.

Thraen-Borowski, KM, Hofstetter AJ, Mills EG, Anderson MR, Valente RA, Ellingson LD, Meyer JD. Objectively-measured And Self-reported Sedentary Behavior and Its Association with Mental Wellbeing in College Students. ACSM annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2018.


Thraen-Borowski, KM. Symposium: Sedentary Behavior: What it is, Why it Matters, and What We Can Do About it. MWACSM Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids MI, 2017.


Cadmus-Bertram L, Wirkus EJ, Thraen-Borowski KM, Gorzelitiz-Liebhauser J, Gangnon R. Accuracy of LED-based heart rate monitoring on wrist-worn activity trackers. Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA, 2017.

Thraen-Borowski, KM. Co-Chair; Exercise Oncology Session: Moving Beyond Cancer. ACSM Annual Meeting, Denver CO, 2017.


Thraen-Borowski, KM. New Frontiers in Physical Activity & Cancer Survivorship Research: Introducing the Loras CARES Lab. Loras Legacy Symposium, Dubuque, IA, 2017.


Thraen-Borowski, KM, Gennuso, KP, A Trentham-Dietz, R Gangnon, KF Koltyn, TC Campbell, LH Colbert FACSM. Impact of Exercise on Prognosis, Quality of Life, and Exercise Capacity in Lung Cancer Survivors. ACSM annual meeting, Boston, MA, May 2016


Thraen-Borowski, KM, A Trentham-Dietz, R Gangnon, KF Koltyn, LH Colbert. Physical Activity Behaviors and Associated Health-related Quality of Life in Native American Cancer Survivors. ACSM annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.


Thraen-Borowski, KM , RB Halberg, AT Thliveris, LH Colbert. The Effect of Exercise on Intestinal Tumor Load of Male (SWRxB6)F1.Min Mice. ACSM annual meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 2013.


Thraen-Borowski, KM, A Trentham-Dietz, D Farrar Edwards, KF Koltyn, LH Colbert. Relationships between physical activity, social participation, and health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors. ACSM annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2012.


Gennuso,KP, KM Thraen-Borowski, CE Matthews, LH Colbert. Sedentary behavior and biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk by level of physical activity in older adults. ACSM annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2012.


Colbert, LH, KM Thraen-Borowski, K Gennuso, T Schlam, T LaRowe, M Fiore, T Baker. Smokers’ physical activity and weight changes following successful versus unsuccessful quit attempts. American Society of Preventive Oncology, Washington DC, 2012.


Borowski, KM, DQ Thomas, ST McCaw. A comparison of four methods for assessing percent fat. ACSM annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 2001.


Borowski, KM, DQ Thomas. A comparison of methods for assessing body fat percentage. IAHPERD annual meeting, Arlington Heights, IL, November 2000.

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© 2017 by Keith Thraen-Borowski

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